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Focusrite ISA One vs PreSonus XMax

Hi Pal...

So, I'm thinking about maybe adding another preamp to my rig in the next month or two. As you probably already know, I'm currently using PreSonus XMax pres for the bulk of my recording.

I know that you have the Focusrite ISA 1.. and I know you like it.

If you don't mind, could you talk to me a bit more about this model?

PreSonus XMAX vs ART ProChannel vs EHX 12AY7 preamps .

I'm contemplating my next buy. It will be a preamp. I'm looking for "that tube sound". I need richness and clarity, etc. This preamp is primarily for vocals. If it does vocals well, then I'm happy. I can always try it out on other things.

That being said, I'm torn between these two: