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anyone know about a groove tubes 5sm condenser

I'm trying to find some info on a groove tubes 5sm condenser mic. I'm picking up a lot of mics from a guy who closed down his studio and this mic is in the batch. i'm not familier with it at all and have know idea what it is worth. I set up all 9 mics and recorded some guitar. Haven't got to sit down and listen to it yet.

Time for new Guitar Tubes?

Hey Hey

So I turn up my Marshall JCM 2000 TSL 60 Watt stack and as the master volume approaches face-peeling-off volume it seems to struggle for power and the tone goes all dull and sh*ttay. Time for new tubes? It's fine at moderate volume, just as you push it harder it goes softer and weaker. Any tube recomendations? 6 years old, used-not too often.


Tubes, solid state or analog? best combination?

My recordings/mixes need a little warmth.

I record with Shure/AKG condensers, into Focusrite Reds, into Pro Tools.

My choices are:

Use tube mics with solid state pre, use solid state mics with tube pre,

or, use a combination of the above, plus, going from pro tools to 2-track tape to add warmth, then back into pro tools.

replacing tubes in cheap preamps

i've been thinking about saving myself some money by replacing the stock 12AX7 tube inside my $80 preamp with a better tube. (i think i ran across the bnb tubes site in one of these forums).

is this something slightly common? would it be worth it? would i get myself a more pleasing sound or a bad electrical shock?


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