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Firewire/USB PCI card for Power Mac 9600?

Can someone recommend a combination firewire/usb card for my Power Mac 9600/350 upgraded with a Newer G3 500/250, OS 8.6?

I'm pretty sure I'll have to upgrade my OS to at least 9.04, or even 9.1

I'm using a Pro Tools Mix Plus system. Will my PCI bus be overloaded if I install a PCI firewire/usb card?

Digidesign M Box - 24 tracks with USB connection to a la

So I just got one, still half in it's MMMMbox!

Looks cool, I bought it to use with the studios iBook 600.

We were using PT For Free - the 8 track free version of PT (downloadable off the Digidesign site) to edit vocals but it was a bore making a mono mix to save space and not having a full (24) track count.