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Yamaha Pro Audio, Inc. is a division of the Yamaha Corporation that offers a complete line of beginner professional audio products for the live sound and sound reinforcement markets.

Steinberg 816x - failed to initialize - Yamaha WDM driver disappears.

Hello to all
I have a PC and a Steinberg 816x and a very strange problem.
After installing the driver and the software everything works well.
Problem starts when after rebooting the windows (XP SP2) I get a following error message on the screen: "Failed to initialize".

Is "Yamaha Sound Reinforcement Handbook" still the

Hi, this book was recommended to me. I noticed it's 20-22 years old. I was able to view the Table of Contents on Amazon and even read a few pages - seems like the material would not date much. However I was wondering if there's something just as comprehensive plus information on how it relates to modern equipment?


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