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This might interest those with home studios

I thought that this might interest those with home studios like myself. I recorded my fourth solo instrumental album over the past few years and decided to film as many of the sessions as I could. It enabled me to put together a “making of” video using a lot of the footage that I captured during the recordings.

Mixing horns with guitar driven blues

Hey Everyone,

I've been playing around with the Horns virtual instrument in Logic again and come up with the attached track. What do people think? Is it a little too busy in places.. (?) I was going for a big-band blues funk kind of vibe.

- I used Bias Amp 2 for guitar amp simulation (I played all parts on a LP 2015 Traditional).


Big-band blues with a hint of metal

Hey all, I've been experimenting with a couple of things here:

- Using logic pro's 'envelope' plugin on snare, kick and toms to add punch (I gather this is like a poor man's SPL transient designer -- I'm still tempted by this plugin , but I'm quite happy with logic pro's version). I'm quite happy with the drum mix on this one, what do other people think?


An instrumental prog metal song. Appreciate any feedback!

Hey all, this is an instrumental progressive metal track I've just spent the week recording. I'm mixing on rather crappy headphones due to space limitations / not wanting to annoy the neighbours, etc., so I'm not sure how well I can trust my ears.. Would appreciate any feedback!




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