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Lockdown Blues

I recorded this quite recently in my studio. Guitars were played into the Kemper Profiler DI.

The Hammond C3 and Leslie was fed into a power attenuator in order to drop the volume and enable the organ to be cranked for some grind. We miced the Leslie with two Shure SM98 mini condensor mics.

Bass was played through a Sansamp DI.

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Practice mixer

Hi guys,

I have an Alesis crimson ii, and use a Behringer 250watt amp. I have a small practice room in the garage and currently just using my smartphone to play backing tracks through, I am absolutely useless when it comes to technology -so do I need a mixer? It's just me drummin away so i wouldn't want anything too fancy but i think it could all sound better?

Mix n Mastering feedback pleasey... Thank You All (COVID 19) (Voice n Piano)

Hi folks, totally new here. Have been playing around with song writing for the last 10 years. I don't mind writing but recording and mixing (to end up with what I have in my head) is the difficult bit aint it! Steep learning curve.