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Hi RO members

Silly, I know.. but I found it most unhelpful to find no instructions in the box of how the 5point bass roll-off feature worked.

Can anyone enlighten me? One end says S and the other M with three points in between.

Also, again slightly dumb - which side is the front? the side with the mic clip, the side without, or the end where Sennheiser is written on a plastic strip. It is a cardiod mic so shouldn't it be like..side address? WHICH SIDE? :?

I apologise once more for my stupidity. Please help!

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anonymous Tue, 08/09/2005 - 14:14

This was confusing the first time I used it, the information provided with the mic is shocking. I tapped a tom and recorded it whilst moving it about and trying the differnet positions of the bass roll off switch, only way to find out !!! It is cardiod, the M allows the most bass through (don't know if it flat though) and the S cuts the the most low frequencies. It would be intersting to know what frequencies these positions represent though. The 'buisness end' is the end although it looks like a side firing mic.

anonymous Wed, 08/10/2005 - 03:17

fantastic.. great help guys.

pity sennheiser can't provide their customers with this type of basic information with their products, regardless of the price.

thanks again - perhaps now i'll be able to use this mic to it's full potential!

where would I be without you lot.. hey Mark.. Seb4000e is beautiful!


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