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I'm building a new studio in my basement and have the option between having one big room for tracking and mixing or a separate smallish room for mixing and decent size room for tracking. What option would you guys do?
It would be nice to have a separate control room but for the space I have to work with, the control room width would only allow about one foot on
each sides of the monitors, even though there would be absorption at the reflective points, I would think it would be much better for mixing to have
the width be 18ft wide instead of 12ft wide, and the depth be 33ft instead of 18ft. Or will the uneven back of the room be a problem?

My budget? I work at a local hardware store one night a week to get discounts, so I can get a drywall for cheap and whatever else I need.
Right now I have about $3000 to start with but thats just for drywall, outlet box's, lighting, and whatever framing I'll need.
Labor wise, I've done drywall, framing, electricity many times, so It will be all DIY.

The current construction is a framed (but tangible) unfinished basement, cement floors, 10 ft ceilings in a large part of the space (measured from cement to bottom of trusses).
There are other erea where the heating ducts hang down to about 8ft. The wall that is in photo "B" is a main support wall for the house, so if I decided to not have that there I would
replace it with a wood ceiling beam that would hang down about 1 ft.

Option A "One Big Room"

Option B "Separate Rooms"
I realize the control room window is not placed correctly, I'd change that.


garysjo Thu, 11/28/2013 - 08:16

Cool. The old Normandy Sound in Warren, RI. That's Phil Greene behind the console (great engineer) who was the owner and designer/builder of the room. It was a very successful studio back in the day. Old style compression ceiling design. Phil once told me the ceiling was on hinges to adjust while they were tuning the room. I spent many a late night there. The room alwasy sounded good to me. In their hey day it was a 48 track Studer/SSL room. Sorry for the hijack