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Black Lion PM8 summing mixer with Lynx Two A

hey guys,

i just bought a BLA PM8 to use with my 4 in / out lynx card and have a few questions in regards to how I set it up. Given that I have always worked inside the box I never had any experience with consoles.

Would I connect the BLA PM8 only when I am exporting my mix? Would I benefit at all from monitoring from it?


BLA Auteur vs Sytek MPX4 vs DAV-BG-1 preamps

Hi guys,

Hesitant to ask yet another preamp question for those who are sick of them...

I'm not a gear junkie, but I don't want to be limited by my gear either. I'm looking at these preamps because I'm hearing/reading good things about them. And in fact, in the case of the Auteur by Black Lion Audio I've still never ever heard anything less than stellar about it.

Opinions on Black Lion Audio

Has anyone here ever used a digi003 with the Tweak Head Package mod. I'm curious about the converters. I haven't been able to find one I could listen to in person. Just the samples they offer on their website. I've been looking into getting a better converter but I'm not sure if I can justify spending a lot on one. Especially since I need to get some good preamps as well.


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