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How much do you spend on DAW plugins and software

how much have you spent on "plugs" and software ? how long do they work for you before you have to upgrade/ update them?

and while we are at it . what about computers? how often do you buy a new one? how often do you have to upgrade software?

the real question is, what is the total expense of the keeping and feeding of a DAW and it's associated peripherals?

How can I control Pro Tools 10 plugins with hardware?

Hey everyone,

I do a bit of recording as a hobby, so I use a lot of plugins and VSTs etc.
I'm getting tired of the tedious work required to adjust settings on the plugins with the mouse.
I have the PreSonus faderport which has relieved me from using the mouse with the faders and pan knobs which has been great!

Are There Any Harmony-Maker Plugins?

Hey everyone.

I understand that making (good) harmonies takes some effort. Groups like Modern Talking or Queen inspire me to play around a bit with vocal harmonies.
Now, I tried doing it the manual way, but I was not too successful.
Are there any plugins that will take a vocal track and make harmonies out of it?

Thanks in advance

Multiband Distortion Plugin

Hey guys I'm looking for a really comprehensive distortion/mangling plugin . Being able to isolate frequencies and process them differently without duplicating tracks is a must. I've been eyeballing Trash 2 from iZotope but I'm trying to weigh all my options. You guys know of anything like this besides Trash 2? Thanks in advance!


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