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Preamp not recording to DAW

Hello, I use Logic 9 with Mac mini 4.1 connected to UAD-2 Satillite Quad connected to a Firewire repeater box (the reccommended one) which I have my Duet and back up drive connected to. This set up works and I can record vox and instrument with no problem. However, when I want to use my new Focusrite ISA one preamp, I haven't been able to record onto my DAW.

hybrid preamp around 600.. give or take 200

i was thinking the universal audio 710 twinfinity, that seems interesting
or maybe the summit audio
i wanted a hybrid but I'm not sure
i need a good vocal preamp
something with color
i was also looking at the universal audio 610 solo
or a modded golden age 73 with Neve parts and carnhill inputs
i use a hard disk recorder not a computer

Why Am I Getting a Muffled Mic Sound With My New Preamp?


I just transitioned from a Firepod (circa 2006) to a Firestudio Mobile and for some reason the microphone sounds horribly muffled when as far as I know I haven't changed a thing besides the preamp. There's also some static on that track, as well, so I feel like something glaring is definitely not right here.


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