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PreSonus Audio Electronics, Inc. is an American manufacturer of professional audio equipment and software, used to create, record, mix, and master music and other audio. This includes their line of digital audio workstation software, Studio One.

PreSonus Firepod vs MOTU 896 HD

What's the general consensus?

I'm looking at the possibility of selling my firepod and getting a MOTU 896HD

What are the pre's like on the MOTU? better than the firepod?

The MOTU seems to have more/better features than the firepod.

The price is not a massive issue... but obviously i want to know that the extra £300 is going towards worthy improvement.

PreSonus firebox, mbox2, maudio 1814 firewire, or emu 1616M?

Hi I am new to the forum, just to give you a small background on myself, I live in Caracas, Venezuela, I am an electronic engeneering student, and I have been playing bass guitar for almost 10 years, and i am 24 years old. I will really apreciate all the help that you could give me since I am kind of new to the recording stuff.

Samson C-Valve versus PreSonus TUBEPre

Looking for a good but inexpensive microphone preamp for both acoustic steel and nylon guitar as well as vocals, just for home recording. It seems that everyone gives PreSonus good reviews, though there tube needs frequent replacement. Just wondering what people think about the Samson C-valve. Technically, it seems to do everything the PreSonus does, but it also sports S/PDIF outputs.

PreSonus Firebox / Cubase LE / XP x64

Hi all,

I'm a newbie and would really appreciate a little feedback, though I suspect I know the answer...

I'm not marvelous with computers by I can get by, my bro just put me together a new pc. The main purpose being so I can record a new CD for my band. I've done this before with Cakewalk HomeStudio 9 but I want to get a little more upmarket now.


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