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Kick drum, snare and overhead mic choices


I am from Hong Kong. I will record drums for a hip hop /rock/funky band next week. I have to decide which mic to buy very soon. I used to record drum with 10mics and I hope to stick with it (kick x2, snare x2, toms x3, OH x2, plus a room mic). Below are the mics that I hope to decide with the tight budget I have got:

What's better than sm57 on snare?

I'm getting less than optimal results with my sm57... I know everybody loves them but what's better? I've been using a condenser on the snare because the sm57 lacks enough clarity and crack to cut through the mix(yeah, yeah, I know change it at the source.. 3 snares later i change the mic!) But now I need something with more body too. any suggestions? anybody use the Audix D1?