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Software question

I'm running Cubase SX 2.0 and I'm looking for a different program to use. I hardly ever use midi, and this program seems to focus around midi. It also doesn't seem to have a lot of editing power compared to Cool Edit. I use a Tascam FW 1884 so I want something that I can still use my board with.

Other than PT. is there an really good program out there that:

is there a way to use 2 softwares at a time in Digi 002R

can any one tell me...if there is a way to use 2 softwares at a time in Digi 002R. .cuz i normally work on Sony Vegas5.0 and Sound Forge and Cubase at a time and pro tools... too the thing is when i use another application it gives device busy...ok when i turn all the applications off then open the desired application again it gives the same error...anyone has a solution plz guide...

Recommendations on software vs rack gear for voice?

I was all set to plunk down my credit card down on a Focusrite Voicemaster Pro . . . but then got to thinking: Adobe Audition (the sequencer I'm using) has a compressor, de-esser, expander, EQ, reverb, and even plugin tube effects in software (all of which can be saved as an "effects rack"), why would I want the VM Pro instead of Audition with a simple (but good) pre and an interface card?


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