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Carbon microphone on drums and vocals

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Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 07/21/2008 - 11:36

I thought some of you may be interested in the use of a lo-fi mic blended with regular mic techniques to get a more complex sound. Though I build and sell these carbon microphones, I'm not trying to spam. I would like some feedback on my product and more ideas for it's possible uses. Tell me what you think of my recordings!

Here's an example of the carbon mic on drums. The regular mono drum track (2 LD condenser overheads, kick and snare mics) is first in the sample, then the carbon mic track. Then both together, panned about halfway left and right. The carbon mic was positioned on the floor below the floor tom, looking up at the bottom of the snare.

The full song. My carbon mic also used on vocals (2 tracks, one LD condenser w/reverb, blended with carbon mic track w/delay and reverb.)

I recorded all instruments on a vestax 6 track cassette recorder and vocals through Shure vocal master into Lexicon alpha interface.


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OK, while this isn't Spam necessarily, it's not particularly listenable either. A novel approach to the vintage sounding carbon granules distorted sound with a 300 to 3000 cycle response, you get from old phones. You know, after a while, the little carbon granules, in your carbon button microphone, all clump together and you need some old baldheaded guy, in his eighties, to whack it. Or do you include a little hammer with each purchase?

When I want that type of effect, I can frequently get it directly from my console. But having the outboard EQ's with brutal, brick wall high pass & low pass filters while driving the preamp a little too hard gives me something with a similar tonality but less fatigue, i.e. more musical sounding distortion.

So not quite sure who this would really appeal to? Maybe someone who isn't familiar with the static from clumping carbon granules?

I found your percussion sounds uninspiring. It certainly wasn't made better by making it worse.

Your vocal song was mildly interesting if it wasn't for the extreme fatigue from over processing. The vocal wasn't bad sounding if you want that kind of sound. Not something many of us use very often. And certainly not something that would warrant the expenditure of a dedicated microphone for the purpose.

But like any novelty, for some, it'll be the bees knees! Might be good on harmonica??

I'm sorry but the number you have dialed is not in-service.
Ms. Remy Ann David

Tue, 07/22/2008 - 01:09 Permalink