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Inmusic brands aquires BFD Drums

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Submitted by kmetal on Tue, 04/20/2021 - 16:37


I found this out via a promo that BFD is under new ownership. Its a weird way to find out considering i own about 3/4 or more of the entire BFD collection. I would think they'd send an email to all registered customers.

I have mixed feelings about this. Since roli took over bfd they did next to nothing to improve or expand bfd 3 or its sample collections. It let toontrack and slate catch up and surpass in some area's, tho i still feel bfd 3 is the best sounding drum vsti. So I'm hoping inmusic does some long overdue overhalls. I really like Alesis and akai stuff i have had over the years, and i think inmusic is a good company.

The part that gives me anxiety is how disgraceful inmusic handles digital content registrations and downloads. By far the worst by a country mile. You don't get the typical user account/my products thing. Its some convoluted link based system in an email from where you purchased it, to a 3rd party content delivery service like pluglivery. Its insane. It makes accessing your products difficult or sometimes impossible.  Or for instance different products from the same company like akai will be at different locations/ sites.

I hope they don't mess up BFD's otherwise simple download and registration process. Ive got quite a bit of cash invested in bfd, and ive barely used it as I'm nearly done with my new rig.


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Inmusic owns AIR Music Technology, Akai Professional, Alesis, Alto Professional, Arkaos, BFD, Denon DJ, Denon Professional, Engine DJ, HeadRush, ION Audio, M-Audio, Marantz Professional, MARQ, MixMeister, Numark, Rane, Sonivox, SoundSwitch and Stanton.

They have managed to run several of those in the ground.

Sun, 04/25/2021 - 08:00 Permalink