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Hi guys,

was wondering if anyone knows of any good loop sample CD's which contains shakers, tamborines, etc. I have 3 or four shakers and tamborines but when I'm in the creative moment i need to call up something fairly quickly or lose the vibe. I have made my own loops but would still like to buy a sample CD as it would have different timbre's and percussive instruments I dont have. Like i said its mainly to get the idea down right away. I have checked a few CD's out but cant seem to find one that caters just for percussive textures.

cheers guys,



MadTiger3000 Fri, 01/12/2007 - 02:13

sammyg wrote: Hi guys,

was wondering if anyone knows of any good loop sample cd's which contains shakers, tamborines, etc. I have 3 or four shakers and tamborines but when im in the creative moment i need to call up something fairly quickly or lose the vibe. I have made my own loops but would still like to buy a sample cd as it would have different timbre's and percussive instruments I dont have. Like i said its mainly to get the idea down right away. I have checked a few cd's out but cant seem to find one that caters just for percussive textures.

cheers guys,


I have a set of samples, loops, etc. that are royalty-free that I sell.
E-mail for details.


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