Video on how to Humanize programmed drums in cubase
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Submitted by sickfiction
on Sun, 10/23/2011 - 10:56
In this video I describe my techniques of humanizing drums including quantization, swing, velocity patterns, ghost notes, compression, reverb and random quantization.
Humanizing or programming? The video assumes you already know how to get the notes into the DAW, whether using the mouse or a pad/keyboard. The techniques described are all after MIDI has been input. I can program drums extremely fast with a mouse, and accurately however - it's my personal choice. Horses for courses :)
Very nice but you can also do this with a pressure sensitive pad
Very nice but you can also do this with a pressure sensitive pad or keyboard in seconds.
Thanks for sharing.
Humanizing or programming? The video assumes you already know ho
Humanizing or programming? The video assumes you already know how to get the notes into the DAW, whether using the mouse or a pad/keyboard. The techniques described are all after MIDI has been input. I can program drums extremely fast with a mouse, and accurately however - it's my personal choice. Horses for courses :)