Does any one out there use this gear. Here is my setup. Masterlink to Finalizer via Mackie digital 8 bus to MOTU 2408 to g4 to mbox.
I fill confident with recording and mixing but the mastering bit I feel needs some freshing up. On most projects I use presets on the Finalizer. I really like the #5 country. For hip hop it brings the highs and lows into the mix & adds a nice compression to the mix. But I want to get more creative with the Finalizer. Any suggestions. I feel I may be able to accomplish a better sound through this great box.
To get more out of the box, you're going to have to dive into it
To get more out of the box, you're going to have to dive into it. You can start with a preset and then tweek it from there.
The Masterilink is a very nice digital recorder for the money. P
The Masterilink is a very nice digital recorder for the money. Presets don't work with music . How the heck do they know what the song sounds like. It's silly if you think about it. Use your ears, be bold.
Don't start with a preset - (A) Listen (B) "Visualize" what
Don't start with a preset -
(A) Listen
(B) "Visualize" what the mix is asking for
(C) Set up a chain that should do it
(D) Tweak
Just throwing a preset on and "seeing what happens" doesn't cut it. You'll "master yourself into a hole" in no time.
The trick of course (where experience comes in) is between (A) and (B). You need to be able to mentally master the mix - realistically - and set up the chain that will get you there. Presets might be interesting for experimentation, but are generally rarely useful in actual practice.