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Alesis Masterlink & tc electronic Finalizer

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Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 08/02/2005 - 22:58

Does any one out there use this gear. Here is my setup. Masterlink to Finalizer via Mackie digital 8 bus to MOTU 2408 to g4 to mbox.
I fill confident with recording and mixing but the mastering bit I feel needs some freshing up. On most projects I use presets on the Finalizer. I really like the #5 country. For hip hop it brings the highs and lows into the mix & adds a nice compression to the mix. But I want to get more creative with the Finalizer. Any suggestions. I feel I may be able to accomplish a better sound through this great box.


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Massive Mastering

Don't start with a preset -

(A) Listen

(B) "Visualize" what the mix is asking for

(C) Set up a chain that should do it

(D) Tweak

Just throwing a preset on and "seeing what happens" doesn't cut it. You'll "master yourself into a hole" in no time.

The trick of course (where experience comes in) is between (A) and (B). You need to be able to mentally master the mix - realistically - and set up the chain that will get you there. Presets might be interesting for experimentation, but are generally rarely useful in actual practice.

Thu, 08/04/2005 - 22:54 Permalink