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Hello guys I'm mastering some house tracks and still cant get them to the level of the tracks their bringing me. I know this tracks are clipping but they still sound good. My question is: what place is the best stage to clip to attain more gain. Ive heard the da converters is the best place. Is this true or I'm offset. I got Apogee800s?


Massive Mastering Fri, 07/25/2008 - 23:27

A lot of mixes -- MOST mixes - don't have the 'loudness potential' as much of the ultra-crushed stuff off the shelf. Even the most experienced mastering engineer with the greatest gear on the planet is limited (no pun intended) by the mixes he's given.

Best place to clip? If you clip the DA, you have to clip before it goes out. What's the rest of the chain and where is you line reference?

Massive Mastering Sat, 07/26/2008 - 14:52

Greener wrote: [quote=Massive Mastering]Best place to clip? If you clip the DA, you have to clip before it goes out.

Could you explain a little please?

Was I correct in my assumptions in my first post?
A lot of ME's clip to some extent. But *usually* it would be at the AD. To clip the DA, you're going to be ramming a signal out of the DAW on the way to the analog chain. In any case, it's all going to be dependent on the rest of the chain, how it's calibrated, etc., etc., etc.

RemyRAD Sun, 07/27/2008 - 23:42

Sometimes, during a mix, I will lightly clip the Analog to Digital converters, if I'm mixing rather hot. But this is generally only on the drum transients. This kind of clipping provides a slightly harder crunch on the drums due to the heavy pair harmonics with symmetrical clipping.

Sometimes, while mastering, I'll boost to clip drum transients. Certainly don't want that on other instruments. Clipping is not something you should do lightly. That is, to say, clipping isn't something to take lightly or, give. And even after clipping the drums, I'll frequently normalize to 99.6%. Put that in your plug-in & smoke it.

Not a mastering engineer
Ms. Remy Ann David