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DC Offset

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Submitted by anonymous on

Hi People,

Iused to remove it before the dithering, but I'm not so sure if there was something different.

Do I HAVE to remove it or not?




I'm not sure what that number refers to. You can try removing it first and then take a listen to see if you have an improvement. The depth should sound like it gets better and sound a little more open. I usually don't make it a practice to remove DC unless something is unusual. A lot of times if I hit play or stop and it pops, that's a sign that there could be DC in the mix. If the waveform looks like it's off center, that's another sign. If you don't want to have to think about it, apogee's UV22 plugin has a DC offset remover in it that you can just pop in at the beginning of your chain.

Thu, 04/07/2005 - 06:26 Permalink