Depends on how much and what's causing it. sometimes you'll get a false dc offset on sub heavy stuff. sometimes it could be just 1 keyboard that's causing it. Sometimes it's the audio card and it's on everything. Like Joe said, you'll want to do a pass before limiting it!!!! see which sounds better. I say before the limiter because it you nail it to zero and then offset, then you're most likely going to clip.
Are you hearing anything particular? If not I would leave it. Yo
Are you hearing anything particular? If not I would leave it. You could do a test and see if you like one better.
I wouldn't put something in the chain unless I hear something that makes me want to.
Depends on how much and what's causing it. sometimes you'll get
Depends on how much and what's causing it. sometimes you'll get a false dc offset on sub heavy stuff. sometimes it could be just 1 keyboard that's causing it. Sometimes it's the audio card and it's on everything. Like Joe said, you'll want to do a pass before limiting it!!!! see which sounds better. I say before the limiter because it you nail it to zero and then offset, then you're most likely going to clip.