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K-System calibration

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Submitted by jarjarbinks on

Hi Folks.

Why is the K system calibrated at 83dB? It feels too high a level to work for hours on end.

I went to a professional mixing room today and calibrated the monitors to 83dB according to the Ksystem guidelines:

1. Setup a pink noise generator at -12dB (-12dB, -14dB or -20dB, depending on desired K-Scale)

2. Move monitor output level knob until dB meter at sweet spot reports 83dB

I proceeded to play some mastered music and felt this level was way to high for my taste.

Did I do something wrong? How do you callibrate your levels to work with K metering?


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I'm no expert but if you haven't, search Fletcher Munson Curves More interesting discussion is there.

Being said, I stopped mixing at higher levels (for long periods of time) years back.

  • I use a good monitor controller that seems to translate balanced mixed at lower levels.

  • I use a few brands of monitors that work for my hearing (deficiencies, requirements).

  • My room acoustic are pleasing for me.

  • I like to vary levels and also take a lot of breaks between mixes.

I added this media on the k system today. Its well done so I thought I would share it.

[GALLERY=media, 437]Logic Pro - K-Metering Mixing Tips & Monitor Calibration - With James Wiltshire - YouTube by audiokid posted Jun 15, 2016 at 1:00 PM[/GALLERY]

Wed, 06/15/2016 - 13:12 Permalink