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Anyone use the Shure KSM27 mic?

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Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 10/22/2003 - 05:17

I'm planning to buy the Shure KSM27 mic. If anyone already uses or has used it, could you tell me if it's a good buy? the specs seem nice and it fits my budget. Planning to use it mainly for vocal recording


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I have one{ksm-27} and I swear by it !it may be a bit vanilla, but man it has saved my behind quite a few times.I have Quite a few great vocal mics-Neumann tlm103*tlm193 shure sm7ect But when I get a say female voice with way to much presence or not so good technique the ksm27 is number one choice .very very forgiving.

Wed, 10/22/2003 - 23:56 Permalink