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I wasn't sure if I should bring my old topic back to the top of this forum, so I'm starting another one...hope that's ok. My budget is around $1000 for a bass amp mic. I'm aiming for a fairly professional sound.
The mic's I'm considering are:
Soundelux iFET7-1,890
Soundelux U195-$1,095.00
Electro-Voice RE20-$429.97
AKG D112-$200

Now the iFET7 would really be stretching my budget so I would have to wait awhile...but if the quality of it is THAT much better than the other mics, it would probably be worth the wait. Oh yeah, right now I am running bass direct with my bass PODXT but I would really like to mix it with a good mic'ed track. Thank you for any input.

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Guest Sat, 02/12/2005 - 18:05

I don't think the iFet will drive you wild... the U-195 might be a better choice... might not [sense of aesthetic thing]. The RE-20 is one of my absolute favorite mics for bass amp... especially amps that run 15" speakers... I've never liked the D-112 in that application... but the Shure SM-7 is often the ticket to paradise.

Best of luck.

anonymous Mon, 02/14/2005 - 08:40

a lot of times in the studio i run an AKG D12 with an SM58... yes I know its an odd combo but it sounds great. My other bass secret weapon is a SansAmp Bass Driver D.I. This thing is priceless.

I haven't heard the Soundelux ifet7, but if they do the u47fet justice then they're good in my book. I haven''t done a session in the last 3 years that I haven't used my U47fet. Best Kik mic and great on bass. I also love pulling right off the kick drum after being pounded for 8+hours and throwing it right into the vocal booth. Its a beautiful thing!

anonymous Mon, 02/14/2005 - 11:31

Two mics for bass better than one?

Hey there,

I do not have extensive experience with bass mics, but... Two mics are preferred when you you want to separate the attack aspect of your bass performance from the deeper envelope of the sound. Although there are EQing tricks to create a similar result. Using a mic like a D112 ( I have one) closer to the amp and another mic like an Audix D4 or ATM25, or SM57 4-12" from your amp will give you two tracks that (in theory) give you the best of both worlds. Another idea is the Audio Technica AE2500, which has two diaphragms working together to deliver this type of result. BTW, the AE2500 is less expensive than many of the mics you have in your possibility list. About $360. The AE2500 is typically used on bass drum, but if you have an aggressive player there is no reason why it would not be great for this application. Good luck!


Fruition2k Mon, 02/14/2005 - 11:49

If you can find one a Beyer M380n is a very cool choice, picked up mine about a year ago and love it! Its a figure 8 large diaphram.
The one to look for is the original brass body 380 or the 380n,
the TG and latest version arent as desirable.
It even worked pretty decent as a vocal mic, enough hi end to make it eqable which it takes well.

Davedog Mon, 02/14/2005 - 12:22

Whatever mic you do choose, be sure and get the cabinet off the floor just a touch to decouple it from the floor.This will make a much purer sound.I believe Auralex makes a decoupling pad for this purpose.Check their site or ask a question on their forum here at RO.

As for mics, I have a good amount of luck with an ATM25 a foot or so in front of a Harvey Gerlitz 2-10 cab with EV's and an old Ampeg B15 head that has a 'special' channel.This blended with a DI makes for getting almost anything you could need out of a bass signal.Caution, its not quite right for extreme heavy metal...for this you need a big room and a lot of watts....Ampeg SVT....early 70's vintage and a well-oiled cab..


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