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I've been playing around recording some friends and am having troubles getting the vocals to sound like I want. I am using a PG58. The vocals are way to shrill and to take this away I either have to EQ/compress it a ton or get the singer to hold the mic really far back and sing a lot softer. Would a mic with less high-endbe better? Any suggestions would be great. On my monitors a lot of notes seem to be way too shrill.

Thanks in advance!


RemyRAD Fri, 01/13/2012 - 12:25

Well I think you should be compressing it a ton. If done correctly, it'll sound killer. Just make sure that you don't have too much look ahead dialed in or too fast an attack time. You also don't want the fastest release time. Use some high pass filter also. But how do I know this without listening? I just do.

I can hear things without hearing things and without hearing your thing, I already know.
Mx. Remy Ann David