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Ever seen this mic configuration?

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Submitted by Duckman on

I'm interested in hearing what the more experienced think is happening here mic-wise. This is a picture taken from the album artwork of one of Ensemble Organum's latest releases, Le Chant des Templiers. It looks to me like two stereo mics (blumlein or MS?) with 2 LDC outriggers... would that be ususual? The CD sounds amazing.

PS not that you would (why would you?), but for copyright purposes, please dont' spread this pic around, like I have.


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Duckman wrote: I'm interested in hearing what the more experienced think is happening here mic-wise. This is a picture taken from the album artwork of one of Ensemble Organum's latest releases, Le Chant des Templiers. It looks to me like two stereo mics (blumlein or MS?) with 2 LDC outriggers... would that be ususual? The CD sounds amazing.

It's hard to get a distance-from-ensemble read from the location the photo was taken. It could well be that the LDCs are the main array (pretty danged wide, though, if you ask me) and the center pole you see is a more distant pair. Or maybe the center pole is the closer main array with a spaced pair, and the LDCs are the "room" mics. Hard to tell...

But, if the CD sounds good, it must have worked! :D

Mon, 01/22/2007 - 14:41 Permalink
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That really wouldn't make sense... I've seen 2 M-S pairs back to back, but not side by side.

I would guess (without a clearer picture) that you have 2 mics such as a Neumann KM86 or Microtech M70 on a wide stereo bar. The flanks look big- perhaps M49 or similar large sized mic... It also looks like the big mics are closer to the ensemble than the smaller (center) mics.

Any other pictures?


Mon, 01/22/2007 - 14:45 Permalink
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FifthCircle wrote: That really wouldn't make sense... I've seen 2 M-S pairs back to back, but not side by side.

I would guess (without a clearer picture) that you have 2 mics such as a Neumann KM86 or Microtech M70 on a wide stereo bar. The flanks look big- perhaps M49 or similar large sized mic... It also looks like the big mics are closer to the ensemble than the smaller (center) mics.

That's more like it... my mind went into a spin when I thought, "they look like AKG 426s".

Mon, 01/22/2007 - 17:16 Permalink
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Ok, ok, so I didn't check the back of the CD booklet (doh!)...

Engineer: Jean-Martial Golaz

Mics: Neumann TLM 50, M 149tube, and TLM 170

AD: DCS 904

Recorded on Nagra V

Edited on Sadie Disk Editor Workstation

Problem is none of these mics look anything like those sitting on the stereo bar in the picture (which close up look vaguely look like double capsule stereo mics)

Tue, 01/23/2007 - 03:21 Permalink
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Duckman wrote: Problem is none of these mics look anything like those sitting on the stereo bar in the picture

I think these could well be the TLM170s...

And I don't think the spaced ones are shadows. I'd think these are the TLM50s.. 149s are closer up.

Would like to hear this I have an excellent CD by the Ensemble Organum, Chants of the Roman Church from the 6th or 7th Century. Amazing...


Tue, 01/23/2007 - 15:57 Permalink
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Yup... TLM50's make sense on the bar. They have a mount that screws into the bottom of the microphone raising it several inches from the stand/bar that would be mounted. Looked around but couldn't find a picture of it.

I thought the flank mics looked like M49 of some sort (the M149 looks very similar) and now that somebody pointed them out, the dark mics in the shadows are likely the 170s.


Tue, 01/23/2007 - 16:22 Permalink
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The 2 items that are on tripod stands on the extreme left and right outside of the orchestra are light's! Those are not microphones. Did it ever occurred to anybody that the picture may not be representative of the original recording session?

Recorded on a NAGRA V?? An analog reel to reel recorder!

And did everybody hear today that QUANTEGY has just announced it will be discontinuing anymore magnetic tape manufacturing! None. Zip! Nada. End of story.

Could I interest you in a good used roll of 2 inch??

Ms. Remy Ann David

Tue, 01/23/2007 - 22:50 Permalink
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peshkar wrote:

Would like to hear this I have an excellent CD by the Ensemble Organum, Chants of the Roman Church from the 6th or 7th Century. Amazing...


Very much worth getting if you're into chant and would like to hear one man's idea of how the Knights Templar sung it around the 12th Century...

Audiophile quality CD - I think the quality of their recordings has gone up a notch or two if that were possible since they started with Ambroisie (I've got 17 of their disks!); and they have an amazing basso profundo who has to be heard to be believed! :D

Wed, 01/24/2007 - 01:46 Permalink
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RemyRAD wrote: The 2 items that are on tripod stands on the extreme left and right outside of the orchestra are light's! Those are not microphones.

This was quite clearly established early on in this thread, and is not what I originally referred to. (unless some mystery manufacturer has come up with a LDC with a high-intensity built-in light source, that is designed to mic a source from the rear...)

Look CLOSELY just outside the very dark area in the center of the picture. There is a widely spaced pair in the shadows.

Wed, 01/24/2007 - 09:24 Permalink
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DavidSpearritt wrote: [quote=RemyRAD]Recorded on a NAGRA V?? An analog reel to reel recorder!

No, this is a beautiful little digital recorder, about to be superseded by a 6 channel digital.

Absolutely.... When I was down under a couple years back, I used a Nagra V as my main stereo recorder. What an absolutely stunning machine. The thing is built like a tank and is very reliable. The only unfortunate thing about it is that Nagra has priced it higher than similar quality machines that do more...

I look forward to seeing what they do with 6 channels.


Wed, 01/24/2007 - 10:31 Permalink
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Possible answer...

I do a lot of classical work and this looks familiar to me...

I can't tell what the mics are for sure, but that setup looks like the old classical trick of a center stereo pair with "wide" mics. The center could be a pair of cardioids in either ORTF, DIN, or NOS configuration. The "outside mics" could either be omnis (to add a sense of space), or rear-facing cardioids to capture ambience (surround mix, anyone?).

I do also see additional stands - the one to the left kinda looks like a camcorder to me, but perhaps the one in the center is a distant room mic...

...That's my guess...

Wed, 01/24/2007 - 12:07 Permalink
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With a closer look and manipulation of the picture, a bold guess is that the mikes are as follows :

Blue dot = ? Do not resemble any TLM 170 I've ever seen, look more like two SM69's...

Red dots = M149

Yellow dots = TLM 50

Green dot = impossible to tell, could be a TLM170 (But do it make any sence to have it of-center?)

Gray dot = could be a mike, but look more like a camcorder..


Fri, 01/26/2007 - 02:02 Permalink