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Help me choose a USB mic!

Submitted by SythAngel on Mon, 01/07/2013 - 17:26

I know this question comes around quite often but here's what I need:

My friends and I are recording some Hymns. As "unconventional" as it is - We are all doing it from our own houses (different states). I know the quality will not be GREAT but for our lives, it's what we can do.

I need to have a USB mic for around $100-150. I will probably just be using Garage Band to record. I dont know to much about all the things to make it sound perfect so I'd like something I can just plugin and go.

Ive been looking at the C01U and AT2020 but dont know whats better for singing (Most of what I read is for Speaking - podcast like) OR if there's something better.

Any advice would be great!




You haven't said much about exactly what or where you will be recording. Are you putting together hymns by each adding a part and sending the result on to the next performer? Will there be more than one singer at a time?

Maybe something like the [[url=http://[/URL]="…"]Blue Yeti [/]="…"]Blue Yeti [/]would work for you. It's got switchable patterns so, for example, you can use it in mono mode for solo use or bidirectional to have one singer each side, or you can set it to stereo if you have several of you to record at once. It's physically a bit clumsy as a mic, but you get great flexibility for $150.

Tue, 01/08/2013 - 03:11 Permalink

The Audio Technica 2020 is a really great mic for the price.

-It's durable; you could drop it on the floor and it be no big deal.
-It sounds good and it's versatile; it's the kinda mic that you can just stick in front of any instrument or voice and it will sound pretty decent without expertly placing it and moving it around to find the sweet spot.

The non USB version was one of the first mics I ever owned and it was a great starter mic. Never let me down. The price would be perfect for your range as well.

My favorite recording of all time was done with a Samson C01U USB mic. I've never used it, but it seems fairly popular. You might wanna look into that one too.

Pax Caritas et lol,

Tue, 01/08/2013 - 16:47 Permalink

Depending on the range and the tone of your voice the choice of mic will differ a lot. If you can try them first, it can save you some deception.
Go blind test them in a store that lets you use your favorite headphone you are use to and on mixer's flat channel. In your case, avoid testing with high end preamps since you won't have one to record.. Don't look that much on the review and focus on the sound of your voice. You might be surprise.

Mon, 03/04/2013 - 12:04 Permalink

the 04/2013 issue of Electronic Musician (Craig Anderton should die!) has a run down on several USB mics. of the six featured, [=""]Blue Spark Digital[/]="…"]Blue Spark Digital[/], [[url=http://="http://www.rodemic…"]Rode Podcaster[/]="http://www.rodemic…"]Rode Podcaster[/], [=""]Shure 42USB[/]="…"]Shure 42USB[/], [URL=http://Studio Projects LSM]Studio Projects LSM, [=""]MXL Studio 24 USB[/]="http://www.mxlmics…"]MXL Studio 24 USB[/] and the [[url=http://="http://apogeedigita…"]Apogee MIC[/]="http://apogeedigita…"]Apogee MIC[/] only the Apogee and the MXL are 24 bit.

the review mentioned the MXL was bright sounding , and that was the most negative remark in the whole article.

i think i would be most interested i the Apogee .. it's $200 street and MSRP but it's designed to integrate with Lion apps , Garage band, Mac, and iPod / iPhone things.

Mon, 03/04/2013 - 14:26 Permalink