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I simply want a setup that has a mic dedicated to a purpose so I can focus more on music (various forms of rock) rather than recording technique. Any help regarding this is MUCH appreciated.


SMPro Audio Pr8 (modded) & 1 $300-$500 channel for
lead vox (haven't decided which preamp to get yet).


Sennheiser e835 (main live vocal mic)
Shure SM57 (percussion snare)
2 Oktava Mk012's (percussion overheads)
MXL V77 tube LDC mic (vocal overdub)
Shure SM58 <--replace w/ SM58 beta? or use as E guitr mic?
Shure SM48 <--replace w/ dedicated kick drum mic? (~$200 budget)
AT3035 <--use as E guitr amp mic?

Possible dedicated kick mic options:
E/V RE20, Beyer M88, Shure Beta 91, Sennheiser e602, Shure SM7b

And lastly, what do I do with the SM58 and AT3035? Are these mics good for my uses or should I upgrade to something else?


Pacific FS unlaquered birch 5 piece drum set. (18x22 kick)
Lead Vocals
Eletric Bass Guitar (bass amp will be used during session)
Fender Twin Reverb guitar amp
Anything else


#1-4) drums (2 overheads, bass, and snare)
#5) live vocals
#6) Bass guitar channel (recorded direct)
#7) Eletric guitar amp
#8) anything extra (backup vocals, 2nd guitar, keyboard, etc)

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Big_D Thu, 12/23/2004 - 04:23

I simply want a setup that has a mic dedicated to a purpose so I can focus more on music (various forms of rock) rather than recording technique.

It's not about the gear, it's all about technique. No mic or pre or whatever will make you sound better, but improving your skills will.
Forget about a magic bullet, learn to use what you have to the best of your ability and then maybe better gear will be useful.

bobbo Mon, 12/27/2004 - 08:10

re kick mic

get an audix d6 then, start recording with what you have like the other post said. For rock vocals you could use the sm57 after you get the basic drum tracks down and run it through the "$300-500" preamp you are going to get (I recomed the art prochannel for your preamp with a built in compressor and eq, all tube), and you should get some good sounds, then just expeiment with what you have, 1 peice of equipment at a time. you don't want to clutter your self with a lot of gear that you know just a little about.


bobbo Tue, 12/28/2004 - 14:54

re: d6

The Audix D6 is too hyped for my tastes

What do you mean hyped? Advertising wise or sound wise? If you are recording rock you are looking for a nice kick to cut through the mix and kill some the low muddy mids which this mic does alittle bit already with out having to use more eq than you need adding more noise to the track... This mic is smaller then the others, you can fit it in more holes (on the front of the kick drum) than most of the other kick drum mics and it doesn't weigh a ton either.


Davedog Tue, 12/28/2004 - 17:46

I wouldnt consider the Audix D6 to be 'hyped'..its has a definate character to it which is an easy fit into most mixes.For rock it is basically 'instant kick drum' and for many other more modern types of sound. I dont really know of ANY kick drum mics I would consider 'hyped' although the D112 is getting closer than most.But again it is really just a mic with its own vibe and a very usable too.There are 'flatter' response kick drum mics out there but the work involved getting them to sit in a busy or modern sounding mix would limit their uses.However an RE20 is a great flat response kick drum mic as well as mic you could use on a LOT of sources.

Have you actually ever used an Audix D6? Just asking. If you had, I dont think you would have this response to it.The only thing you can trust when it gets down to it are your own ears and the uses that you will have for a particular piece of gear.

As for the AT 3035 and SM58 these are basically very decent mics to have around. The 58 is probably as good a live mic for its cost that you could find.I dont like it at all on guitar amps as it has a bit of a low-mid rise to it and guitars just dont need that in a mix...The 3035 is a very decent condenser and who has TOO MANY condenser mics? Just my dollar's worth.

anonymous Wed, 12/29/2004 - 01:53

Thanks guys! 8-) . I find the sound character of the D6 to be a just a little too hyped for my's just my opinion. I just have an opportunity to buy a perfectly working Shure SM57 for $'s very tempting hehe...I'm wondering how the SM57 would perform going through a $400 single channel preamp on kick drum? ahh decisions. :shock:

Davedog Wed, 12/29/2004 - 17:41

I've used 57's through a lot of different front ends on kick drums and they're okay in a'll have to pad the input down a bit because inside a kick that mic can have some rather interesting 'splosives unless you kick it exactly the same each time......uhh no....50 bucks is about average for a newer 57 and while they sound good theres much better mics for kick than a 57.just not for 50 bucks.unless its an older one...made in the usa...maybe even a unidyne 50 bucks is really cheap for this model.