Anybody have any ideas on a reasonable substitute for old KM84 SDC mic. I really like the sound of this mic om acoustic fiddle but dang they are pricey and hard to find in good condition. I really like the unhyped top end this mic exhibits.
I've tried the KM184 and it is not the same beast at all. Any clues on a reasonably priced substitute SDC mic ?
I like the Shure SM 81 as a reasonable replacement for the KM 84
I like the Shure SM 81 as a reasonable replacement for the KM 84. It's actually even smoother than the KM 84 and I believe still more affordable. I've been a happy owner of 4 SM 81s since 1978 I have used them interchangeably with the KM 84 and KM 86 multi-pattern.
Remy Ann David
I am almost about buying a matched KM 184s pair. Would you not r
I am almost about buying a matched KM 184s pair. Would you not recommend them then?
Please I need feedback because we are talking about 1300 dollars for the pair, I'd like to have serious opinions from anyone who had tried them.
I personally tried them and I thought they are pretty good mics, but if you have got something better please suggest before I regret.
Thanks for any feedback.
josephson C42's
josephson C42's
The KM84 is something of a magical mic. It's hard to imagine a
The KM84 is something of a magical mic. It's hard to imagine a nicer sounding cardioid microphone.
Not to be negative to my fellow posters, but none of the mics listed approach the clarity, depth, warmth and accuracy of the 84. The replacement 184 is a heaping, steaming pile of excrement.
If I had to think of replacements for the 84, the list would be short and expensive.
- Schoeps M222 MK4
- Gefell M300 (pretty inexpensive considering and a DAMN fine microphone!)
- That's about it.
Maybe the DPA 4011 - but that's a totally different sounding mic. Great as it is, it's completely different than the 84.
On a different note, you might want to consider the DPA 4061. It's an omni clip on mic, but it's great for violin!
Good luck and keep us posted!
J. 8-)
Cucco do you suggest me to go for a matched pair of Gefell M300s
Cucco do you suggest me to go for a matched pair of Gefell M300s instead of the KM 184s?
Versatility, instrumentation to use it on...
Thanks for the help (by the way it's also way cheaper).
In general, yes I would whole heartedly recommend the M300 over
In general, yes I would whole heartedly recommend the M300 over the KM184s. They are far more friendly sounding. (The 184s are brittle and etched by comparison).
The M300's are great all-purpose pencil cardioids. They'll work beautfiully on orchestra overheads (XY or ORTF or any other near-coincident pair), drum overheads, pipe organ, acoustic guitar, toms, orchestral percussion (beautiful for Marimba), piano and even under the right circumstances, human voice. (There are others I would choose first, but sometimes, when you've exhausted the closet and can't find one you like, they can work.)
In general, I don't have enough positive things to say about the M300s!
PS - feel free to contact me off-line for my thoughts on US and international dealers. They are not all created equally!
Thanks man I'll contact you very soon. Bas.
Thanks man I'll contact you very soon.
Gefell M300 Neumann KM140 Josephson C42
Gefell M300
Neumann KM140
Josephson C42