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Neumann M149 - unbelievable!

Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 12/05/2002 - 05:14

Received this baby at a studio where i work. Sounds unbelievable. The best mic i ever heard. Does anyone know a better one ? Please i need some opinions.


I love the M149 as well. I would rather use it tha n the U87 on most vocals. However, the original M49 is still better. My all-time favorite? A Telefunken 251. I had the pleasure of using one last week on some female R&B vocals. I now know why this m ic is the most preferred of all. The one I used was a mid 60's model, valued at around $22,000.00. (No, that's not a typo!)

Thu, 12/05/2002 - 19:28 Permalink