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SE1000A microphone - opinions?

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Submitted by anonymous on

O.K., so my solicitations of mic opinions is growing exponentially, as even the casual observer might note, but in any event, what about the SE1000A? It comes in at under $200. This company is working in conjunction with Rupert Neve, and that is not a bad name to have on board.

So, any opinions on this mic, or this company's products overall?


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Hmmm... I have to respectfully disagree, in the sense that we know that such things do occur in industry, but that does not mean all such associations are rooted in just renting a name, and that Neve has done little more with SE, unless you know something no one else does :-) I did a little reading, including an interview with Neve, and he certainly lent the impression he contributed on a technical level, and with his background, why wouldn't he. In addition, SE website specifically says he designed the ciruit board for their new flagship ribbon mic, the VR2.

Another thing to keep in mind is that he has a reputation to protect, and he is not going to be inclined to lend his reputation to anything that could detract from his own, that was built up over decades. It is easy to become somewhat jaded about endorsements or associations, but I think we have to be careful about being suspicious with all of them.

Wed, 11/10/2010 - 22:05 Permalink