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24 track in/out

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Submitted by redbort on


along the lines of the apogee/lynx debate

what would you recommend for 24 i/o balanced->daw

aside from the MOTU 24 i/o

3000$ price range

is the Alesis HD24 even worth considering?

transfering via ethernet,...


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dont know much about the Alesis 24, but my friend still religiously records with his Tascam MX2424, edits in pro tools (ONLY if necessary) and then dumps tracks back into the MX2424 to mix with an external console using decent outboard comps and FX. Sounds totally pro...but he is also a talented enginner as well.

I imagine the Alesis HD24 would be on par with the Tascam sonically...they are both older pieces with similar guts I believe. correct me if im wrong. Though, I would take Tascam for recording, and burn using a Masterlink...

Thu, 06/16/2005 - 14:57 Permalink