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adobe audition/ cool edit/ pro tools

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Submitted by anonymous on

Ive decided to stick to my cool edit 2.0. Adobe behaves as if cool edit is its upgrade, working with adobe is very frastrating, the software keeps on hanging and asking frastration questions, its speed its too slow and 'heavy' damn theyd better think of redooing it I'm yet to compare cool edit and Pro Tools can sometell me some suggestions advice


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I always used Cool Edit Pro or Audition as a 2 track stereo editor for stereo files, and PT for tracking/editing/mixing. I always said that CEP/Audition made for a great Swiss Army Knife from an editing standpoint, whereas PT was my scalpel.

The metering in CEP/Audition, IMO, was extremely inadequate, and setting of DSP parameters was the most user un-friendly of anything I've ever seen. All DSP windows were generic Windows windows that in no way looked or felt like a piece of audio hardware. This made it really difficult, at least for me, to feel like I was using audio software. I felt like I was entering data in an accounting spreadsheet. I don't know about you, but that's not how I like to work. Most parameters seemed to be measured in arbitrary, proprietary units specific only to the coding of the software. I found that to be frustrating. And again, when setting something like compression levels, there was no way to meter gain reduction or output level. I like to hear AND see a representation of what's happening to my audio. I'm big on metering.

Pro Tools, again IMO, is a better overall piece of software in terms of being user friendly and accessible. I realize that's a vague recommendation, so take it for what it's worth.

But we do all have our own preferences in terms of working methods, and what works for me or anyone else on this forum may not work for you. As much as I may put Audition down and praise Pro Tools, someone else here will invariably do the inverse. Also, try to get a grasp of a piece of software's strengths and weaknesses. As I said, I use(d) Pro Tools for tracking/editing/mixing in the mult-track realm, and then once I bounce my sessions to stereo, I use Audition to tweak the stereo files. So, I am able to use the applications side by side to achieve a better final product, since each one does things that the other simply cannot do.

I would advise that you contact a dealer in your area and arrange a demo of both applications to see which you would prefer. If a dealer can't or isn't willing to do this, then find someone who can/will. Good luck.

Wed, 08/17/2005 - 09:31 Permalink