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Best drum pad controller for BFD2

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Submitted by anonymous on

Doing searches for the best drum pad controller for BFD2 looks like it may be the Korg padKontrol. I actually want to use this with UBS direct.

Here is some piece of info for you:

I never thought of this but for those of you having latency issues with any USB controller, having a good power supply might be a really good thing to have plugged in, instead. Relying on your PC to power a usb controller that needs quick action and heavy polyphony, can have issues with timing out and tracking from the lack of power.

That being said, I'm quite sold on the Korg padKontrol now. I have always been an MPC users and thought the MPD may be my choice but the Korg padKontrol may be a better fit?

Anyone familiar with BFD2 and drum pad controllers, I would really appreciate reading which works best for 2010.

