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Change Your Ways

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Submitted by Colin on

So, I'm a recurring member here. I keep coming back for more bashing. Here is a song near and dear to my heart.

If you change your walk

And change your walk for God

He will change your heart within

Your walk

So change your walk

for God

One step in front of the other

We will make it with each other

After we have passed this era

We will dine

With Christ forever

just pass this era

Once this house has met it’s builder

Praise God He will build another

So hold on brother

It will get better

It will get better

If we change our ways

Change them for God

He will change our ways

And change them oh oh

Once your ship has sailed the weather

The storms seem smaller after time

And though you’ve sailed a different Ocean

My sail is yours

And yours is mine

If we change our ways

Change them for God

He will change our ways

And change them oh oh

Once your ship has sailed the weather

The storms seem smaller after time

And though you’ve sailed a different Ocean

My sail is yours

And yours is mine

If we change our ways

Change them for God

Change them for God

Once this house has met it’s builder

Praise God He will build another

So hold on brother

It will get better

It will get better

Once your ship has sailed the weather

The storms seem smaller after time

And though you’ve sailed a different Ocean

My sail is yours

And yours is mine

When we change our ways

We change them for God

We change them for God



Attached files

Your Sail is Mine Final Copy.mp3 (2.8 MB) 


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pretty cool. The laid back organic approach works for me. I would however replace the snare with something less synthetic sounding, then I would add an effect on it to push it back in the mix. As of now I find the snare very distracting and monotonous. If you are going to make double tracked vocals this up front, don't clutter them with a clear monotonous snare that cuts through better than the vocals.

Another example. Your vocals are not dynamic, nor is your snare so everything is the same. What am I supposed to focus on most? The less or more of two evils.

Thu, 12/20/2018 - 07:05 Permalink