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Cleaning up files in Cubase SX 3??

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Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 03/05/2007 - 10:10

So after about 100. 292483240934 million takes with my band I have a ton of unused files still saved. Whats the easiest way to cleanup the files that aren't used in the project in Cubase?


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killersoundz wrote: Never mind. Easiest thing in the world. Pool window...erase trash..doh! Cubase owns in this department!

You know I tried that one time with Cubase SX3 and for some reason it deleted EVERYTHING in the pool. I was hoping that it would delete those items that aren't actually IN the project file that I was currently using. Say you have a project that you are working in and you take like 50 takes of a song and then come up with the best version. So you have files in the project file that would show something like for example kick_50.wav So I thought by cleaning the pool it would delete versions 1-49 but it didn't do that. It deleted 1-50 and cleaned out the entire pool. I've been so disturbed over this with Nuendo 3.2.1 that I've just been cleaning things by hand after each session. Kinda gets tiring after 9 songs with 9 different project folders. I did read the manual but maybe there was a change between the older Nuendo manual which they sent for me and the updated version of Nuendo 3.2.1.

Its always bothered me as I know there is a better way but I'm scared to death to lose an entire project by deleting everything.

Tue, 03/06/2007 - 08:33 Permalink