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Cubase SE Copy Protection

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Submitted by Big_D on Sat, 09/18/2004 - 07:02

I hope this doesn't sound like a stupid question but I have never encountered hardware copy protection before. I recently bought Cubase SE and found it has a USB copy protection dongle that has to be plugged into the PC running Cubase. I assume it is to ensure that the software can't be run on more than 1 PC at a time (as per EULA). I record my tracks on a PC in my basement and then send them to my control room PC 2 floors up via the network for mixing and editing. Can I install the software on both PC's and just move the dongle to the PC I'm using? This would seem to be it's purpose but I'm not sure and don't want to install Cubase on one PC and then find out the dongle prevents me from using it on another. Has anyone else encountered this? If this is the case and it can be moved from PC to PC I applaud Steinberg, great idea. Perhaps the pinheads at Microsoft could take a lesson from a company that knows how to create great software with the end users needs in mind rather than putting their needs ahead of the EU, ie activation.

ps. I'm not looking to break copyright laws, I want to abide by them



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I was able to find the answer to my own question after opening the software and looking on the CD. The following is an excerpt from the EULA is case anyone else is wondering about this issue.

2. Scope of use

Steinberg grants the Licensee, for the duration of this contract, rights - which are neither exclusive nor transferrable (called hereinafter the "License") - to use the Licensed software and Licensed hardware on one single computer only (i.e. one Central Processing Unit) at one single place. If this single computer is connected to a multi-user system, this License shall apply to all users of the system.

The Licensee may personally use the Licensed software or Licensed hardware temporarily on another computer, on condition that the said software and hardware is normally used regularly on one particular computer. Use above and beyond these limits, including use by a third party, is not permissible.

Sat, 09/18/2004 - 16:56 Permalink