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Cubase SX3 Question

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Submitted by JesterMasque on

In Cubase SX3 part of the mixer is for the input channels. I recently figured out last night that the eq's and inserts on those channels ARE in fact destructive! But the problem is that it seems you can not hear what it sounds like until you record and playback. Is there a way to moniter the input channels with the inserts etc. applied to them? Thanks!


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First...Duh.'s only descructive if you use them in that way. They should be use in a constructive manner... ;P

OK, kidding aside, I don't understand the question...Do you mean you can't hear the Eq and insert efx that are being applied on the input channel until after you have recorded the track and are playing it back? You don't hear the affect while recording?

Thu, 06/28/2007 - 23:38 Permalink