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Decent plugins

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Submitted by lmu2002 on

Can anyone recommend decent plugins for grand piano and (orchestra) string sounds? I'm using Sonar 6. The ones that are included are not what I'm after...

Any price, any size.



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If you don't like plug-ins in Sonar 6, then you're not going to like any plug-ins for what you want.

For what you are doing, I wouldn't use any plug-ins. Why are you using plug-ins on classical stuff? Didn't your parents raise you properly? Its not rock-and-roll and I don't like it, don't like it, no I don't.

OK, so maybe you just need a little limiting? The dynamics in Sonar 6 is as good as anybody else's. What you probably don't like are the presets? I find most presets are awful over-the-top sounding terribly exaggerated crap. If you are used to utilizing hardware devices such as 1176's, you'll know that a little goes along way. The same can be said for plug-ins. Less is more. Especially when it comes to fine arts recording and plug-ins.

Digitally plugged up

Ms. Remy Ann David

Wed, 10/31/2007 - 23:26 Permalink
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Maybe my writing needs a bit of correcting. I need grand piano and orchestra sounds, not processing utilities.

You are right, the processing units in Sonar 6 are more than plenty for most purposes. But the soft synths etc. don't offer great sounding pianos nor strings. The Pentagon is great in it's field and so are the others. But I'm after natural sounding instrumentation.

Thu, 11/01/2007 - 01:11 Permalink