One of my clients approached me and asked if I could 'master' his recording. I told him that I put MaxI'm and get the overall level up to -.5dB, but I wouldn't do any more than that, and that he'd have to get someone else if he thought it nessissary.
He then asked if I used dither when I bounced the session to 16-bit, 44.1K Stereo (CD) file in Pro Tools, as someone told him it was nessissary (probably the same one who asked him about mastering).
As far as I understood it, Pro Tools doesn't need dither, as it takes the file and then converts it, not recording it as it plays.
...or am I wrong, and do I need to turn on Maxim's dither button before I bounce down the files in Pro Tools?
It doesn't matter whether you are using ProTools or some other p
It doesn't matter whether you are using ProTools or some other package for creating your master, you need to dither to the 16-bit level on the final reduction for the 44.1KHz CD. Don't dither at any other time such as importing/exporting between different packages or plug-ins.
yes they do.always dithe the last stage
yes they do.always dithe the last stage
Maxim has a dithering option included in it or you could just in
Maxim has a dithering option included in it or you could just insert a dither plug-in.
Pro Tools does not automatically dither when bouncing to disk so
Pro Tools does not automatically dither when bouncing to disk so you have to use a plug to do it.
woops. unky is right. pt does not do it auto...sorry :-)
woops. unky is right. pt does not do it auto...sorry :-)