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Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 12/03/2001 - 19:54

Wow! A - pedal / vintage gtr / vintage amp / desk & outboard heaven!

Tim and Aron - house tech & engineer gave me and Jay Kars of Madmoose studio a 4 hour tour..

Amazing, what a cool place they have about EVERY cool pedal or wierd guitar ever made!






Originally posted by rivers:
cOME ON jULES WE need specifics man !
what outboard,what pedals

It would probably be easier to name the pedals and gear they don't have. The entire space was overflowing with gear. Maybe 50 guitars, well over 200 pedals, 20 some odd snare drums etc. The studio has been covered in Mix and Tape Op a few times. The basics are a custom built 36 (or was it 32) input 50 series Neve, a Studer A800 2" 16 track and a 16 I/O Alishad system.

Tue, 12/04/2001 - 18:05 Permalink

OK, rested & session over..

All the guitars are in wacky tunings. Each gtr has it's own 'fixed' tuning, the way the gtrs are tuned is written on masking tape on the back of each headstock..

No strings are smaller than 17, all are usualy wound.. All of them seem like 'mini basses'!

A shitload of jazz masters mustangs and jaguars most fitted with Tele Custom pickups (Thurston's favorite)


4 x API pre's (a 3412)
Demiter spring reverb
A 'line in only' Neve desk! (no pre's!)



Sat, 12/08/2001 - 09:57 Permalink

Heh... What a stir we've created!

Just to add a few points:

yeah, custom neve 50 series line desk built with 6 master outs and surround panning for mixing films - necam 96 automation - severely hot-rodded by underqualified mechanics

also old neve bbc remote desk (24ch) with odd moog III-like profile and loads of kool eq/pre modules - currently for sale



great river, api, and scitek outboard pre's - curently pre shopping. i want a red 1 but nobody else will agree with me :-(

royers, u47, 184's, re-20, 421s, 57s, 103s, and a few other oddballs

h3000 d/se, pcm-70, 1176, srv-2000, gatex and various other stuff

the wreck of trade centre 7 two blocks away on one side, burritoville two blocks away on the other. halfway between heaven and hell

the tele deluxe pickups are Lee's fave - Thurston uses the Jazzmaster ones (which i like too).

julian and jay are awesome


Sun, 12/09/2001 - 23:48 Permalink