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Exporting A Mixdown With Adobe Audition 3.0

Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 02/22/2010 - 20:19

Hey guys,

I have this song recorded, edited and all that on Adobe Audition, but when I wanna export it, it just gives me a blank track! I've tried WAV, MP3, etc, and various other options, but nothing seems to work. If anyone can help me with this, please do, I would much appreciate it!



Make sure you don't have an empty track selected. Make sure nothing is soloed. Track markers at the beginning and end of the song. Make sure the right markers are at the right ends. It's best to have nothing selected or everything. Export selection or export project. If none of that is helping, respond and we can continue to trouble shoot. It's tough to work these things out without being there.

Tue, 02/23/2010 - 09:27 Permalink

OK. So Audition is open and you're looking at the Multitrack screen. Click the Mixer tab. At the bottom of each stick is the routing for that stick's output. Make sure that all of them are going somewhere. They default to Master. If they are going to a bus track then make sure that bus is going to Master. Once you have verified (verify it even if you think you already know) then click on the Main tab. Make sure you have selected the Hybrid pointer for this exercise. Drag and select the time you want to mixdown. Once that is all highlighted then click File->Export->Audio Mix Down. (or press ctrl+shift+alt+m)

Name it whatever you want. Put it on your desktop. On the right side of the window make sure that the radio button for Master is selected. Select whatever bit depth, sample rate you want or leave it at the default.

Try this step by step and get back to me.

Tue, 02/23/2010 - 19:01 Permalink