I've heard so many great things about the Great River 2NV and for a while was planning on purchasing one. I'm still considering, but could anyone tell me if they've used it with sucess on acoustic guitars and how it sounds? What mic(s) did you use? SD, LD? Were they on the bright side to compliment the 2NV's darker sound? Also, any vocal mics that are a good match in general that seem to work for a lot of vocal situations? I'd rather have something that sounds pretty good on many voices than something that sounds out of this world on only a few, but crappy on everyone else.
Great pre's and very colored. Used my 2NV on a number of source
Great pre's and very colored. Used my 2NV on a number of sources including vox, acoustic guitars, synth's and even a jazz harp. Very pleased with the results from everything I've used it with so far.
I typically use a pair SP C4's on acoustic guitar (typically nylong stringed ones but steel strings come through nicely as well). The combination is quite nice IMO. A little darker than many folks seem to prefer these days but I'm a little tired of the ultra bright and crispy highs that seem to permeate everything.
Haven't run too many vocalists through the 2NV yet, but so far it's worked well with everyone I've used it with (male and female). So far, my favorite mic to run through it is a Brauner Phantom C, but I've also had good results with SP C1's and B1's.
Very pleased with mine so far and would highly recommend it if you're in the market for a colored pre.
Last full album I produced as a freelancer, I ran vocals, acoust
Last full album I produced as a freelancer, I ran vocals, acoustic guitars and drum overheads through the 2NV! Mixing was a BREEZE!
Vocals - SoundElux 251 --> 2NV --> Manley ELOP --> Pro-Tools HD
Acoustic Guitar - AKG 451B-->2NV --> Pro-Tools HD (i don't usually compress when recording)
Drum Overheads - B.L.U.E. Dragonfly --> 2NV --> Pro-Tools HD
At that point, all my work was being done at Perfect Sound Studios, in Bolingbrook, IL http://www.perfectsnd.com
-Matt Feddermann
Phase Recording Studios
All you need to do with the Great River MP-2NV to get the sound
All you need to do with the Great River MP-2NV to get the sound cleaner is to turn down the gain and up the output level. It's one of the most versatile sounding pres made.
On the mic thing, it's hard to get one mic that does it all. Generally, it's a good idea to get a mic with a nice high end such as the Blue Dragonfly and get a neutral mic such as the Baby Bottle to give you some flexibility. A sort of in betweener mic is the AT4040.
Thanks All! Anyone used the soundelux U195 or u99 with it for v
Thanks All! Anyone used the soundelux U195 or u99 with it for vocals on the clearer, mellower, higher register (I seem to record female and tenors mostly)? I can't afford a 251 but I've never heard anything bad about the Soundelux line - wondering how these two mics differ and match up with the 2NV.
Originally posted by mfedderman: Last full album I produced as
Originally posted by julian lamp: Originally posted by mfedde
oh dear sorry mfedermann ive mangled your post ,i was asking about the overall sound of the great river.