I have a problem with a mix that i've been working on for a hip hop artist. The tracks that i've been given for the music are stereo tracks but all the instruments are panned(if you can even call it that.) right down the middle. I can't get the instruments in seperate files because the guy who made them moved. Does anyone have a techniques on opening the stereo image on these types of tracks?
Thank you for your time,
i'm afraid you're asking for the impossible...if you have two si
i'm afraid you're asking for the impossible...if you have two signals panned dead center you have both signals in both channels, no way to seperate them...
I can pan the left and right channel hard right and hard left bu
I can pan the left and right channel hard right and hard left but on the Paz analzyer it still shows the stereo image as being dead center.
that's exactly what i meant. looks like your stereo channel is a
that's exactly what i meant. looks like your stereo channel is actually two identical mono channels...no matter how far you pan the tracks, the signals remain centered.
so there are no techniques to open it up?
so there are no techniques to open it up?
How about this? What techniques do you use to get a wide vocal s
How about this? What techniques do you use to get a wide vocal stereo image?
from what i understood you have different instruments on these t
from what i understood you have different instruments on these tracks? wouldn't that render the material pretty much useless?
getting a wide stereo image...well you can use one of the many fake-stereo processors that are around (waves etc.). some use delays to do their magic (you could also try to simply delay one channel a few samples or ms), some simply filter the left and right sight differently (you can do that as well using a multiband eq). the delay-method will probably sound more spectacular, in any case you have to be careful about phase issues...
make sure that this is not the only kind of stereo that your mix has or it will be pretty lifeless i'm afraid...at least compared to "real" stereo material...
Thanks for all the help. I think i just wasn't totally clear. I
Thanks for all the help.
I think i just wasn't totally clear. I have the music on one track(provide to me from the artist) then i'm recording the vocals. I'm going to try your suggestions for the music tracks. Can you tell me what techniques you use to create a wide vocal mix when you record your vocals on mono tracks.
Thanks for your time,