I use Sonar 4 and a Tascam us122. Windows XP
Im trying to export a song from Sonar in wav form however when i export it then try to play it windows media player says it cant find the codec.
I should add that I have done this hundreds of times without problems. I must have this song done before tomorrow! please help!
Watch the bit/sample rate. Windows MP will not recognize anythin
Watch the bit/sample rate. Windows MP will not recognize anything above 16 bit 44.1 Khz.
Download Audacity, it's free and supports all popular bit depths
Download Audacity, it's free and supports all popular bit depths.
When you get to the export mixdown menu, what options are showin
When you get to the export mixdown menu, what options are showing before you hit OK?
Yup, sounds to me like you may have forgotten to select all your
Yup, sounds to me like you may have forgotten to select all your tracks and convert the audio format to 16-bit. Then you export from 16-bit to .wav
Without converting to 16-bit forst (in Sonar anyway) you get an unuseable .wav file.
I'd still download Audacity, since once you do a bitrate convers
I'd still download Audacity, since once you do a bitrate conversion in Sonar, you can't undo it. Leave the master tracks at 24 bit. Or copy all tracks to another folder first.