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Reading over my recent posts I could see how someone might think I was anti plugins That is not true. I have gotten great pleasure out of using DiNR, Fairchild 660, Joe Meequalizer, Speed, etc. I just have a healthy skepticism towards plugins Hey, you wouldn't want me to be a gullible parroter of ad copy would you? Doc.


e-cue Fri, 09/20/2002 - 00:15

Topic: I Don't Want Anyone to Think I Am Antiplug-ins
Originally posted by
Reading over my recent posts I could see how someone might think I was antiplug-ins That is not true. I have gotten great pleasure out of using DiNR, Fairchild 660, Joe Meequalizer, Speed, etc. I just have a healthy skepticism towardsplug-ins Hey, you wouldn't want me to be a gullible parroter of ad copy would you? Doc.

"SHE'S A WITCH!!! BURN HERRRRRRRR!!!!!" Monty Python


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