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mixing effect question

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Submitted by jarrod624 on

I'm currently in the mixing/editing process of producing my bands first ep and am having trouble finding the right effect. The beginning of the song has an ambient piano part with a snare rI'm part that is playing triplets. I've been putting reverb and different phasers on it and am having trouble getting the right sound without it sounding cheesy. Any suggestions to some effects or other songs that use that effect I can check out.


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Maybe a spacious reverb on a doubled track (completely wet) mixed with a highly compressed version of the snare for the intro to give it a distant and squashed sound? Then hit it hard at 0:44. Hard to know without trying it myself (I'm just imagining that combo would give that type of effect). Can you bounce a file containing ONLY the dry snare? PM me and I can try it if you want. I can set up an FTP for you to upload to... or you can keep trying as well. I don't know that I will be able to get the sound you're thinking of because it's your sound.

Yah, that phaser is a little messed. It is distracting, which probably isn't what you're going for.

Tue, 05/10/2011 - 14:41 Permalink