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I am recording my Flugelhorn in my home studio.

Once I get a good sound (right now I am using my MD 421) is there an order for applying effects?

I am not sure what to start with. I would guess EQ first . . .after that ?

As a jazz player, I hate to say this but for this song I need to get a Rick Braun or Chris Botti type sound.

Thanks for helpin' the NOOB.




Ben Godin Sun, 07/18/2004 - 20:50

the general order is EQ then compress.

EQ settings for Flugelhorn (or horns in general)...

50-150Hz Add bottom
150-250Hz Add body
250-800Hz Muddyness area
1-6kHz crunchyness
6-8kHz Clarity
8-12kHz Brightness

Be careful, remember that the final judge are your ears

Compressor settings...

Hmm... it depends on the mic, but i would say

ratio 8:1
threshold -14db
attack 2ms
release 10ms

Hope this helps you with production of your fantastic instrument :!:

anonymous Thu, 08/05/2004 - 21:05

bennyg wrote:
Compressor settings...

Hmm... it depends on the mic, but i would say

ratio 8:1
threshold -14db
attack 2ms
release 10ms

I don't know about those settings. First of all, it is totally useless to give a threshold setting wighout knowing what kind of track levels we are dealing with. A threshold of -14db won't do any good if the track was recorded with lots of headroom.

An 8:1 ratio seems pretty heavy handed, maybe 4:1 would be a better starting point. Finally, a 10ms release is incredibly fast, I would not recommend that at all. Release needs to be much longer. Anywhere from 100-500ms.


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