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Pro Tools - click tracks go haywire

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Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 04/19/2008 - 02:32

I'm using Pro Tools LE and generally it works well, but a weird problem is the clicktracks. Sometimes they work OK but often they go completey haywire - being completely uneven.
Very frustrating!
Any suggestions?


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don't use the PT click

not trying to be small here
I have never used the PT click
and always build my own clicks and grooves and convert to audio
place the bits of audio on the grid the way you want them
yes it can be frustrating if you have tempo changes but having things as audio is far more stable than midi based units

often the click comes first and to have everything based on something that can shift doesn't make sense to me
even if there was a solutuion to your midi/click issue
the stability of an audio file in PT is worth it

and most importantly
ANY latency issues in the generation of the click are gone with the use of an audio file and you can see the acuracy when on the edit page
AND you can chose to bump that click with respect to the grid to influence the artist ... if you need to

Sat, 04/19/2008 - 15:04 Permalink